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Diocese of Mamfe
a one family that prays together
About Us
Justice and Peace Commission - Diocese of Mamfe - Roman Catholic Diocese in South West Region, Republic of Cameroon
History of the Diocese
Geographic Location
Justice and Peace Commission - Diocese of Mamfe - Roman Catholic Diocese in South West Region, Republic of Cameroon
Apostolic Succession
Justice and Peace Commission - Diocese of Mamfe - Roman Catholic Diocese in South West Region, Republic of Cameroon
Bishop Aloysius Fondong
Bishop Andrew Nkea
Justice and Peace Commission - Diocese of Mamfe - Roman Catholic Diocese in South West Region, Republic of Cameroon
Coat of Arms
Recent homilies & Talks
Justice and Peace Commission - Diocese of Mamfe - Roman Catholic Diocese in South West Region, Republic of Cameroon
Called To Be Good Citizens
Homily At Holy Cross International College
Homily At The Funeral Mass of Mr. Francis Yong
Homily At The Funeral of Bishop Pius Suh Awa
Homily Thanksgiving Mass At Fontem
Opsa Diamond Jubilee Convention Dallas USA
Speech Presented By Bishop Andrew
Thanksgiving Mass and Reception of Bishop Andrew
The Church and The Reunification of Cameroon
Pastoral Letters
Justice and Peace Commission - Diocese of Mamfe - Roman Catholic Diocese in South West Region, Republic of Cameroon
Pastoral Letter for Bike Riders
Pastoral Letter on the Sacredness of the Holy Tridum
Pastoral Letter on the Sacred Liturgy
Pastoral Program
Bishop Francis Lysinge
Justice and Peace Commission - Diocese of Mamfe - Roman Catholic Diocese in South West Region, Republic of Cameroon
Diocesan Secretariat
Diocesan Curia
Organizational Chart
Justice and Peace Commission - Diocese of Mamfe - Roman Catholic Diocese in South West Region, Republic of Cameroon
College of Consultors
Health Council
Justice and Peace Commission
Diocesan Directory
Family Apostolate
Justice and Peace
Social Welfare/Caritas
Pastoral FormationTeam
Youth Apostolate
Health Coordination
Justice and Peace Commission - Diocese of Mamfe - Roman Catholic Diocese in South West Region, Republic of Cameroon
Health Department
Strategic Plan
Pastoral Center
Communication Department
Justice and Peace Commission - Diocese of Mamfe - Roman Catholic Diocese in South West Region, Republic of Cameroon
Education Secretariat
Primary Education
Secondary Education
Tertiary Education
Vocational Training
Catholic Education
Justice and Peace Commission - Diocese of Mamfe - Roman Catholic Diocese in South West Region, Republic of Cameroon
Vision & Mission
Okoyong Practicing Farms
Njege Cocoa Plantation
Food Processing
Animal Husbandary
Partners and Collaborators
Justice and Peace Commission - Diocese of Mamfe - Roman Catholic Diocese in South West Region, Republic of Cameroon
Projects Committee
Strategic Plan
Projects Catalogue
Partners and Collaborators
Contact Us
Diocese of Mamfe
a one family that prays together
Justice and Peace Commission - Diocese of Mamfe - Roman Catholic Diocese in South West Region, Republic of Cameroon
Justice and Peace Commission
About Us
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Justice and Peace Commission - Diocese of Mamfe - Roman Catholic Diocese in South West Region, Republic of Cameroon
History of the Diocese
Geographic Location
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Justice and Peace Commission - Diocese of Mamfe - Roman Catholic Diocese in South West Region, Republic of Cameroon
Apostolic Succession
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Justice and Peace Commission - Diocese of Mamfe - Roman Catholic Diocese in South West Region, Republic of Cameroon
Bishop Aloysius Fondong
Bishop Andrew Nkea
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Justice and Peace Commission - Diocese of Mamfe - Roman Catholic Diocese in South West Region, Republic of Cameroon
Coat of Arms
Recent homilies & Talks
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Justice and Peace Commission - Diocese of Mamfe - Roman Catholic Diocese in South West Region, Republic of Cameroon
Called To Be Good Citizens
Homily At Holy Cross International College
Homily At The Funeral Mass of Mr. Francis Yong
Homily At The Funeral of Bishop Pius Suh Awa
Homily Thanksgiving Mass At Fontem
Opsa Diamond Jubilee Convention Dallas USA
Speech Presented By Bishop Andrew
Thanksgiving Mass and Reception of Bishop Andrew
The Church and The Reunification of Cameroon
Pastoral Letters
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Justice and Peace Commission - Diocese of Mamfe - Roman Catholic Diocese in South West Region, Republic of Cameroon
Pastoral Letter for Bike Riders
Pastoral Letter on the Sacredness of the Holy Tridum
Pastoral Letter on the Sacred Liturgy
Pastoral Program
Bishop Francis Lysinge
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Justice and Peace Commission - Diocese of Mamfe - Roman Catholic Diocese in South West Region, Republic of Cameroon
Diocesan Secretariat
Diocesan Curia
Organizational Chart
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Justice and Peace Commission - Diocese of Mamfe - Roman Catholic Diocese in South West Region, Republic of Cameroon
College of Consultors
Health Council
Justice and Peace Commission
Diocesan Directory
Family Apostolate
Justice and Peace
Social Welfare/Caritas
Pastoral FormationTeam
Youth Apostolate
Health Coordination
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Justice and Peace Commission - Diocese of Mamfe - Roman Catholic Diocese in South West Region, Republic of Cameroon
Health Department
Strategic Plan
Pastoral Center
Communication Department
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Justice and Peace Commission - Diocese of Mamfe - Roman Catholic Diocese in South West Region, Republic of Cameroon
Education Secretariat
Primary Education
Secondary Education
Tertiary Education
Vocational Training
Catholic Education
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Justice and Peace Commission - Diocese of Mamfe - Roman Catholic Diocese in South West Region, Republic of Cameroon
Vision & Mission
Okoyong Practicing Farms
Njege Cocoa Plantation
Food Processing
Animal Husbandary
Partners and Collaborators
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Justice and Peace Commission - Diocese of Mamfe - Roman Catholic Diocese in South West Region, Republic of Cameroon
Projects Committee
Strategic Plan
Projects Catalogue
Partners and Collaborators
Contact Us